Toronto Raptors: A Team for Whom Winning Is More Than Half the Battle

Posted: 19th October 2009 by Geoff Zochodne in NBA
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What if Shakespeare had only written half of Romeo and Juliet ? It would be a nice story about falling in love with no consequences whatsoever; no one gets poisoned, stabbed, or has a thumb bitten at them. Boooooring. What if Coppola only made the first half of The Godfather ? We'd all be wondering why the Corleones were softer than a marshmallow in heat. Hm, that's slightly inappropriate... Butáwhat if the Hokey Pokey was never completed? We'd never know what it's all about. It would be chaos, pure, PG-Rated, chaos. So let me tell you what I'm all about (I swear to God it's not the Hokey Pokey): If the Toronto Raptors need to improve on one thing, it's finishing games and winning the second half. We've almost closed the bookáon the NBA preseasoná(Sonny Weems: Aà...

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