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Pittsburgh Steelers Officially Suck

Posted: 22nd November 2009 by Steve Smith in NFL
Yes, now the Steelers officially do suck!!! How the heck do we lose to a 2-7 Kansas City Cheifs team that is a doormat in the NFL. Once again our Special Teams sucked and we cannot stop fourth quarter drives. So officially, I have joined the bandwagon of all those who said we sucked!!!!Read more NFL news on
Cincinnati (Remaining Opponents) á á á W L Home Away Pass Offense Ranking Rush Offense Ranking Overall Offense Ranking Pass Defense Ranking Rush Defense Ranking Overall Defense Ranking PIT 6 2 á 1 5 15 5 14 1 5 OAK 2 6 á 1 31 26 32 13 29 27 CLE 1 7 1 á 32 22 31 22 31 32 DET 1 7 1 á 21 20 25 31 17 26 MIN 7 1 á 1 14 12 11 21 6 18 SD 5 3 á 1 7 32 17 5 26 11 KC 1 7 1 á 28 24 30 30 28 30 JETS 4 4 á 1 27 1 13 2 14 2 27 37 3 5 20.6 19.0 20.5 17.3 19.0 18.9 Pittsburgh (Remaining Opponents) á á á W L Home Away Pass Offense Ranking Rush Offense Ranking Overall Offense Ranking Pass Defense Ranking Rush Defense Ranking Overall Defense Ranking CIN 6 2 1 á 18 9 12 25 2 14 KC 1 7 á 1 28 24 30 30 28 30 BAL 4 4 á 1 10 13 10 19 7 12 OAK 2 6 1 á 31 26 32 13 29 27 CLE 1 7 á 1 32 22 31 22 31 32 GB 4 4 1 á 9 10 7 8 9 4 BALT 4 4 1 á 10 13 10 19 7 12 MIAMI 3 5 á 1 29 4 23 28 5 22 25 39 4 4 20.9 15.1 19.4 20.5 14.8 19.1 á I have laid out all the remaining opponents that both teams have and their respective W-L records. So here goes: á WIN-LOSS Records Bengals next eight opponents have a 27-37 combined record at this point of the season. Steelers ...

The Stats Don’t Lie, Week 10: Ben Roethlisberger vs. Carson Palmer

Posted: 10th November 2009 by Steve Smith in NFL
In recent weeks I have made frequent use of stats to try to draw comparisons between Steeler players and the opposing team's defense. So here goes Big Ben against the Bengals pass defense and Carson Palmer against the Steeler's pass defense: á á á á á á á á á Ben Roethlisberger vs. Cincinnati Pass Defense ááááááááááááááááááá Completion %áá Att/Gmááááá Ydsááááááá Avg/Compáá 20 yds+ááá Sacks Cincinnati áááááááááá 62.8%ááááááááááá 36 ááááááá 1,933áááááááá 7.2ááááááááááá 27 ááááááááááá 21 Roethlisberger ááá 70.6%ááááááááááá 32.8áááááá 2,295 á á ...

The Stats Don’t Lie, Week 10: Rashard Mendenhall vs. Cedric Benson

Posted: 10th November 2009 by Steve Smith in NFL
In recent weeks I have made frequent use of stats to try to draw comparisons between Steeler players and the opposing team's defense. So here goes Rashard Mendenhall against the Bengals defense and Cedric Benson against the Steeler's defense: á á á á á á á á á á á á á á á Rashard Mendenhall (11th in total rushing yards) Carries áá Rush Yds ááááá Rush Avg áá Runs of 20+ Yds áááá % Rush for 1st down á áá 100áááááááááá 573ááááááááááááááá 5.7 ...
á á á á á á á á á á á á On to the Running game comparisons: Rashard Mendenhall (18th in total rushing yards) Carries áá Rush Yds ááááá Rush Avg áá Runs of 20+ Yds áááá % Rush for 1st down á áá 78áááááááááá 418ááááááááááááá 5.4ááááááááááááááááá 4ááááááááááááááááááááá á á 25.6 Denver's Rush Defense Rushing Att áááá Att/Game ááá Yds ááááá Avg áá Yds/Gm áááá TD áááá 1st Down% 179áááááááááááááááááááá 25.6áááááááá 603áááááá 3.4áááááá 86.1áááááá á 3ááááááááá 17.9 AND Knowshon Moreno (17th in total rushing ...
á á á á á á á á á Pittsburgh Pass Offense vs. Denver Pass Defense á ááááááááááááááááááá Completion %áá Att/Gmááááá Ydsááááááá Avg/Compáá 20 yds+ááá Sacks Denver áááááááááááááá 61.9%ááááááááááá 31.1áááááá 1,264áááááááá 6.4ááááááááááá 15áááááááááááá 23 Roethlisberger ááá 70.5%ááááááááááá 33.4áááááá 1,932 á á á á 8.8 áááááááááá 29áááááááááááá 20 ááááááááááááááááááááá QB Rating áá Yds/Gm á á áá Pts/Gm áá Denver áááááááááááááá 74.9ááááááááá 180.6áááááááááá 13.7 Roethlisberger áá 104.1ááááááááá 276.0áááááááááá 26.4 So Denver has seen the following QBs and these same have put up the following numbers: QBáááááá Ratingáááá C/ATTááá Ydsááááááá Int Palmeráá ...
I believe the stats will tell us what will happen on Sunday. Here are the Vikings pass defense stats through the first six games: áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Ranking Points per game:áááááááááá 20.2áááááááá 15th Passing yards allowed:á 1,490áááááááá 7th Yards per completion:ááááá 7.8áááááááá 26th Yards per game:ááááááááá 248.3áááááááá 24th First-down percentage:á 36.1áááááááá 24th Plays of 20+ yards:ááááááááá 24áááááááá T-30th (with Cleveland) Opponent passer rating: 91.0áááááááá 23rd Touchdowns against:áááááááá 9áááááááá T-22nd (with five others) The Steelers will have the pass when and where they want ...