Author Archive

Dallas Stars May Pull a Muscle in Home Stretch

Posted: 17th March 2010 by Elbow Murderpants in NHL
It’s hard to determine what’s going on with the Dallas Stars as the regular season draws to a close. All we can be sure of is that, with just over a dozen games left, they’re a good five wins out of a playoff invitation. There’s still a possibility that the “invitation” is in the mail, but with two of their last 13 games against San Jose, one versus Ottawa, and one with ...

Anyone Smell A Comeback For The NHL?

Posted: 12th November 2009 by Elbow Murderpants in NHL
While the GMs discuss more ways they can trick up the game, (in hopes of saving BettmanÆs bacon?) we are perhaps provoked to ask, ôWhere is this increase in the fan base they keep striving for?ö Handcuffing the goaltenders with smaller pads, bigger nets, and restricted puck playing areas was supposed to increase scoring in the league and thereby increase the appeal of the game. Eliminating ties and moving to the shootout ...

Team Canada Early Picks Seem Myopic

Posted: 6th November 2009 by Elbow Murderpants in NHL
If one was to believe the pundits after the Canadian Olympic Hockey Team orientation camp in August, they would accept that ôno definite decisionsö were made based on the performance of the players in Calgary, and that the performance of the players in the first half of the NHL season would make or break the case for who should be chosen. IÆm already starting to wonder. One hundred days out of the ...

Nominal Moves by Nieuwendyk Raise Questions on Tippett Dismissal

Posted: 8th September 2009 by Elbow Murderpants in NHL
One can certainly understand the logic in limiting the amount of transactions the Dallas Stars would execute in the offseason prior to the 2009-10 campaign, but it does raise an interesting question regarding the firing of former head coach Dave Tippett.   It might seem a little late for speculation now, but it may, indeed, be worth a moment of reflection for the purpose of uncovering the true reasons behind replacing such ...