Author Archive

Oakland Raiders: Patterns of Improvement

Posted: 18th December 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
On Dec. 16, 2009, aámedical doctor said, ôLuck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.ö á This quote comes from Seneca, a Roman Stoic philosopher. á The reference to a doctor makes us think about people with ailments.á What is the connection? Our beloved Oakland Raiders have an ailment because of the patterns of poor performance. á There are natural patterns for wellness and wholeness. There are patterns for wellness or good performance on the playing field, ...

Oakland Raiders: Foreshadowing Emerging Greatness in the NFL

Posted: 7th December 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
A Framework Donald P. Moss defines "foreshadow" in the following passage: "Foreshadows are remarkable narrative mechanics God included in the Bible to reveal the future. Foreshadows serve as hidden manna in the same way as parables are hidden messages of God revealed by the Holy Spirit to Spirit filled believers. "Foreshadows and parables are messages that are spiritually discerned and cannot be understood by non-believers. However, understanding hidden messages of foreshadows will deepen ...

Can You Walk in Al Davis’ Shoes: Coached, Owned, Or Been a Commissioner?

Posted: 5th December 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
Early on this Dec. 5th morning, the question came to me: Can you walk in Al Davis' shoes? Coached, owned, or been a commissioner? The question is the title of the article. Here is the framework. Years ago, I worked for the first African American in Texas who was officially recognized as a millionaire. His name was Mack H. Hannah. At 74-years-old, he was a smart, tough, cantankerous senior citizen who hired me ...

Steelers Historical Strong Defense: White, Green, Holmes, Greenwood

Posted: 29th November 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
During the same years the Pittsburgh Steelers were building "The Steel Curtain," America was building a defense for dropouts and push-outs in urban schools. Those years saw the high school dropout rate for African-American males climb to an alarming high. There was a crisis because of a lack of presence of role models. Organizations like the National Urban League got involved in education, mainly to help reduce the dropout ...

The Oakland Raiders Need to Do a Self-Study to Get Out of a Rut

Posted: 27th November 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
Whatever I ask of you, I must ask of myself. If the Oakland Raiders are perceivedáas having fallen into a rut, then it is likely the Raider Nation is in a rut. So, I initiated a self-study on Nov. 27. The self-study is only done to serve as a modeláfor each and every member of the Oakland Raiders franchise. Now, here is my humble submission of a self-study since I started writing ...

Oakland Raiders Need Black Roses on Black Friday: Courage and Strength

Posted: 27th November 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
Thanksgiving is a family day. It is a day when we are thankful for all of the wonderful things we have experienced, or that we possess. Good health, sound mind, healthy children, a job, and friends and family are just a few of the things for which we express appreciation. When the family is large and competitive, they have a great time "kidding" each other about their favorite football team. Well, I am ...

Do Oakland Raiders And The Raider Nation Think and Have Priorities?

Posted: 25th November 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
Are there connections between faith and sports? Have you heard this saying, "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God"? Now for a response to a comment that was made public a few days ago. One thing that impressed some people when they heard about Richard Seymour's first press conference is he prioritizes and focuses on his faith, his family, and football. If indeed Richard Seymour,áan Oakland Raider,áfocuses ...

Do You See What I See: Oakland Raiders, Dallas Cowboys’ Patterns?

Posted: 24th November 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
Studying the historical and contemporary performance of the Oakland Raiders is a heap of fun when you see and discern informationáusing verbal, symbolic, numerical and graphical data. Decoding these ways of seeing allow for a rich discussion of performance. One the most prolific and celebrated writers on the Bleacher Report, Leroy Watson, said that I seem to see patterns in most things. That was a humbling compliment. Now let's have a ...

Bruce Gradkowski: What The Bible Can Tell Us About His Future

Posted: 24th November 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
A song says, "Be very sure, be very sure / Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!" Now, let's apply that idea to the Oakland Raiders. It was Nov. 22 when Bruce Gradkowski brought back a victory for Oakland. It was exciting. It was a last minute thriller. Early this morning, a thought came to me. Let's look at a story about Noah. He was the 600ùyearùold man who was the owner ...

Can Anything Good Come Out of the Oakland Raiders? Madden’s Turducken

Posted: 22nd November 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
Now, let me stretch your imagination. Think about big John Madden. He tells you that if you, Oakland Raiders, win the game today, he will give you a turducken. A Cajun fried turkey would be a good gift, too, if you pull it off today, and win the game. Now since you are probably the generation of young people who were given incentives for your good behavior and good grades in ...