Author Archive

Oakland Raiders’ Strength Made Strong in Weakness

Posted: 2nd January 2010 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
How can anyone anticipate a strong finish in the performance of the Oakland Raiders in 2009? I can, and I have data on which to base my anticipated outcome between the Oakland Raiders and the Baltimore Ravens. Why wouldn't a team that is 36 years older than its opponent, have a strong finish. The data shows that there is a possibility. Take a look: The top curve represents the performance of the ...

Do the Oakland Raiders “See” Their Gaps, Breaks, and Oscillations?

Posted: 1st January 2010 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
The Content One of my B/R associates wrote an article which mentions the need for continuity. The fact that he has identified the need for continuity points to the reality of the existence of "discontinuities" in the performance of the Oakland Raiders. A definition of continuity, from a mathematical standpoint, can help us study the structural and functional problems in the performance of the Oakland Raiders. This is the job of an ...

Oakland Raiders: Tic-Tac-Toe, Get Three in a Row

Posted: 31st December 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
It's been a good year for those of us who needed to be humbled. Join me because I and others wrote some articles spouting out "high hopes" for the 2009 season, and it's been a year with a few highs and several lows. Like a child who wants to get three x's in a row in tic-tac-toe, some of us would have been happy to see three consecutive victories in 2009. ...

Sebastian Janikowski Kicks the Oakland Raiders To Victories

Posted: 30th December 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
While struggling to understand a subject called topology, I encountered the theorems of a mathematician from Poland. His name was Kazimierz Kuratowski .áHis theorem says, "Every partially ordered set in which every chain (i.e. totally ordered subset ) has an upper bound contains at least one maximal element ." Well, the condition of the theorem may not apply, totally, to the situation with the Oakland Raiders, but one thing is certain: There ...

Oakland Raiders: Who Can Do the Job? Find Him, and Hire Him!

Posted: 28th December 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
My grandson is three years old. He said, "Mimi, I want the Cleveland Browns to win...I am pulling for the Browns." I said, "Grandson, I am pulling for the Oakland Raiders, so we will talk later, after the game on Sunday." What happened? Oakland lost to the Cleveland Browns, and the score was two times nine plus five in favor of the Cleveland Browns. It was 9-23, a victory for my grandson's ...

Oakland Raiders: It’s Time for a Change, in a Twinkling of an Eye

Posted: 27th December 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
It's hard toáwatch the Oakland Raiders, with respect and pride, struggle to end the season. It hurts, but somehow we must keep the faith. I started writing this article with 33 secondsáremaining in the Raiders' 23-9 loss to Cleveland Sunday. Can things be changed in a twinkling of an eye? Yes, if the time is right, and it is a part of our destiny. If not, we will just have to wait until a ...

Oakland Raiders: In and Out, Up and Down Analysis

Posted: 26th December 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
Here we go again, looking in and out, up and down, through the data to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the Oakland Raiders and our opponent, the Cleveland Browns. The second chart shows the teams to be almost coincident in performance, in the categories of wins, losses, ties, and in the win-loss ratio. The difference in performance may be totally determined by a team's knowledge, skill and intuitionáto be reactive and ...

Oakland Raiders and Cleveland Browns: Who Will Give Us a Powerful Finale?

Posted: 26th December 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
Tensions build up near the end of the season when teams like the Cleveland Browns and the Oakland Raiders need a respectable finish at the end of the season. Data for the last three games in the seasons 2004 through 2008 show an interesting pattern. á The pattern of the wins-losses is shown: á á á á á á á Clevelandáááááááá LLL áááá WLW ááááá LLL áááááá WLW áááá LLW ááááááááááá Oaklandáááááááááá LWW ááá LLLááááááá ...

Oakland Raiders: Miracle on Fourth Street, a Christmas Story

Posted: 25th December 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
Friendships Through Thick and Thin Forty-seven years ago, a young, handsome man said "Hello" to a slim, strutting young lady in the hallway ofáthe Nabrit Scienceábuilding on a university campus in the Southwest part of the United States.á A friendship started and it has lasted through thick and thin, gaps and breaks, in the lives of both people. The Bleacher Report names for these two people are JCI and Damali. Although the ...

Oakland Raiders: Students Say, “Play Harder, Work Smarter.”

Posted: 24th December 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
If you are not pleased with your progress in 2009, several college students in Texas are willing to giveáadvice. They have sent a message to the Oakland Raiders: "Play harder, work smarter." Here are a few quotes from students ranging from 18 to 30 years old. á Quotes for Oakland Raiders and Coach Tom Cable Casey : "To become a winner, you must be a champion among your peers. So practice harder than your ...