Author Archive

Oakland Raiders: “Boys will be Boys” Opens Up a Can of Worms

Posted: 3rd May 2010 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
It's not uncommon for a Raider Nation member to sneak and look at other team pages just to get a feel for what's going on. The Oakland Raiders are not in a vacuum, so it makes sense to study the context of their experiences and image not only on BR but in all media. Snooping around other Bleacher Report team pages can be a lot of fun. A book was reviewed titled, "boys ...

Rebuilding the Oakland Raiders, Brick By Brick

Posted: 14th April 2010 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
Don't lose hope. Don't get impatient. Why? Some things are rebuilt, line upon line, precept upon precept, a little here, a little there. The NFL draft is an opportunity to rebuild the Oakland Raiders. In just a few more days, some choices will be made. Each choice is like a brick added to build a strong wall. Where did I get this idea? Isaiah 28:9-10 contains this idea. It talks about the ...
The Oakland Raiders have a chance to get a few things right. The NFL draft will start on Thursday evening rather than on the traditional Saturday. Program your television, and log on to your computers to watch each and every minute of it. That's what I am going to do. A lot of people have named a lot of players who they believe can strengthen the Oakland Raiders. All I can say, ...

Oakland Raiders: No More Kiddy Ball, Play Like You Mean It!

Posted: 11th April 2010 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
I really do believe that if you set your mind to something, it manifests itself and becomes noticeable to others. I started a blend of sports and STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) exactly one year ago, in April 2009. The focus of my data collection is centered on the history of the Oakland Raiders, all put in the context of the history of the NFL. Now that April 2010 has been ...

Oakland Raiders: No More Kiddy Ball, Play Like You Mean It!

Posted: 11th April 2010 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
I really do believe that if you set your mind to something, it manifests itself and becomes noticeable to others. I started a blend of sports and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) exactly one year ago, in April 2009. The focus of my data collection is centered on the history of the Oakland Raiders, all put in the context of the history of the NFL. Now that April 2010 has been ...

Oakland Raiders: Don’t Take It Personally, We’re Gonna Kick Butt

Posted: 10th April 2010 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
Have you ever heard stories of bullies who attack other children, and send them home in tears? If you are a parent, you probably pulled your child to the side, and gave him or her a good talk. It may have gone like this: There are no wimps in this family. You get your tail back to that playground and if a kid attacks you, you protect yourself and fight back. Now, ...

Oakland Raiders: Switch “The Nasty” On and Off

Posted: 10th April 2010 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
Some folks in the Raider Nation want to bring back the "nasty" in the Oakland Raiders. Earlier this article was posted and it fell off the radar. I dedicate this article to the young Oakland Raiders on the roster in 2010. It is pertinent enough to be highly considered before the draft this month. Let's just say that if we "bring back the nasty" aggressive, fearless, and daredevil type Oakland Raiders, let's hope ...

Oakland Raiders: We Love and Respect Both Young and Old

Posted: 9th April 2010 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
After reading " Military Service Credit for Federal Civilian Retirement" , I was reminded of the situation imposed on some NFL players during the era when America had a mandatory draft into the United States military. There were a few good men who had their careers interrupted in the NFL, causing a gap in their career length. This issue needs to be reexamined. This issue has affected a few Oakland Raiders who played ...

Oakland Raiders’ Triad For Victory

Posted: 9th April 2010 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
It takes three to tango. How can you say that a quarterback is good or bad if the wide receiver and offense or defense are not functioning properly? It seems to me that in order to approach more victories, at least there must be an improvement in a triad of a good quarterback, a good wide receiver, and protectors of the quarterback like the one mentioned in an earlier article. A few days ...

Oakland Raiders Who Play Beyond the Love Of Money

Posted: 7th April 2010 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
This article is designed to stimulate a process to uncover those Oakland Raiders who are in the game for the love of money, and solely for that reason. Have you ever gotten the feeling that some of these guys do what it takes to get the job, then after they get the job they "lay back and relax"? Some of them just don't seem to care about winning. If the young NFL players ...