Author Archive

Memo to the Oakland Raiders and Raider Nation: Look in the Mirror

Posted: 12th September 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
Did you say that you don't like to look at yourself in the mirror? Well, it's a countdown to the Monday Night Football game, and a little introspection just might be good for all of us before the game begins. So many fans have their charts, statistics, videos, and comments about what should be done on Monday night. Just in case there is a dimension of the human experience that is not ...

Oakland Raiders, Past and Present: Who Is the Greatest of Them All?

Posted: 10th September 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
Sports and STEM So many sports analysts say one player is greater than another, using subjectivity and perception to make judgements. There are technology, software, and models that can help to evaluate performance, in a different way. Quantifiable measures are somewhat useful for comparisons, descriptions, and projections of performance. Granted, there are other variables that cannot be quantified, so interpretations and other conjectures can provide a context for a sports discussion. Exploring the various ways of ...