Author Archive

Oakland Raiders Jubilee Year: Fifty Years of Excellence

Posted: 22nd September 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
 A Raider Fan's Proclamation No matter what method you use, there certainly seems to be a remarkable set of numbers cited this year in the history of the Oakland Raiders franchise. There is a temptation to study some of the numbers in the Oakland Raiders franchise. The numbers are beckoning me to another type of thinking. For example, in 2009, the owner of the Oakland Raiders, Al Davis turned 80 years old. In 2009, the Oakland ...

Oakland Raiders and Raider Nation: We Prepare, We Get Better

Posted: 21st September 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
It's time to start looking at profiles of strengths and weaknesses. It is time to get ready for next week. Wake up, clear your head and start preparing, early. Parallel to what you must do to prepare, some of us in the Raider Nation are already getting ready for victory, again, and again, and again. Our way of demonstrating that we are in a state of expectation is the building of our Raider ...

Oakland Raiders Must Increase Individual Defense: Look at the Data–WE WON!

Posted: 20th September 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
A POWERFUL FINISH. YEAH! You are dressed for success. Now take a look at each individual and his defense statistics. It's easy to see that the numbers for certain players must increase. I call it "player integrity." You say you can do the job, so do the job. Look at this simple chart. Yes, this is the last pep talk in the locker room before you get out there, tough enough to tackle and ...

Mini-Analysis of Oakland Raiders’ Last 10 Games Compared to KC

Posted: 19th September 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
Well, it is time to count down. I thought I could stop analyzing data, but I am determined to stay up and continue looking at the data. As we look at Oakland's last 10 games, we see that we have won three and lost seven. Let's look at differentials: Oakland       Opponent            differential 20              24                     -4 31              24                     +7 27              16                     +11 26              49                     -23 7                34                     -27 13              20                      -7 31              10                      +21 15              17                      -2 6                17                      -11 0                24                      -24 The summation of the positive differentials ...

Oakland Raiders History: Remembered From Here To Eternity

Posted: 19th September 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
A tribute to the Oakland Raiders and Al Davis. There was a time in American history when the older folks sat in a rocking chair on the front porch and told the history of the family, the city, the state and nation. Some of them also told stories of the last minute victories of the Oakland Raiders. It was called Oral History, and some American colleges actually built programs, teaching the technique ...

Oakland Raiders Self-Study and Mini-Analysis

Posted: 18th September 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
Taking a good look at your own performance is a part of a self-study which many corporations and organizations do on a periodic schedule. The performance must go up, and the histograms will grow in height. Hopefully, by producing profiles of performance, a focus on who, what, where, and how to improve will become evident. Here are a few charts to help you visualize comparisons of players. Every tool available to us must ...

Oakland Raiders and Raider Nation: Much Is Given, Much Is Required

Posted: 17th September 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
Wham! Bam! An idea has popped up in my mind. The Oakland Raiders are working hard, training, thinking, and building up their stamina. What are some of us doing? 1. sitting in front of a television 2. sitting in front of a computer 3. lying on a couch, like a couch potato 4. eating junk food You can add to the list. If our team can exercise, get fit and stay fit, what about us, the Raider Nation? I will ask ...

Oakland Raiders and Raider Nation: Not Blind, For Now We See

Posted: 16th September 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
You take a test. It takes so long for your professor to return your papers. You ponder how you compare with the class mean, median and mode. Are your grades better than others? You ask yourself, "Is the grade for the Oakland Raiders better than that of the Kansas City Chiefs, if we compare historical data?" Two teams are scheduled to play NFL football on Sept. 20. How do they compare in ...

Don’t Give Up, Don’t Give in: Oakland Raiders Stand Strong on Monday Night

Posted: 15th September 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
It is clear to me as I remember select moments in the Oakland Raiders-San Diego Chargers game that the Raider Nation and the Oakland Raiders cannot and will not give up. The performance last night was very impressive. I charted several episodic moments of the game, and clearly we dominated and stood our ground at the five selected moments that are in the chart. We are on our way. It was the kind of ...

Oakland Raiders’ Tailgate Party: You Complete The Menu

Posted: 13th September 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
Who smoked that turkey for a tailgate party? I did. When did I do it? Last night, while reading and writing on B/R. I multi-tasked, and started smoking ribs, chicken, a turkey, and sausage for my tailgate party. I also watched two Seymour videos and responded to comments by Bret, Randy, Brent, and others. What team am I pulling for? The Oakland Raiders, who else? Where will my party be for the first game? ...