Author Archive

Oakland Raiders: After The Pain, Keep Moving On Up

Posted: 2nd November 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
Several years ago, a television show had a theme: Moving on up. Another phrase in the song said, ".....we finally got a piece of the pie." Well, the Oakland Raiders certainly did improve in performance on Nov. 1, 2009, in the game against the San Diego Chargers. The Raiders had a bit more spunk. They fought and played like they meant it. The results were far removed from a shutout, and they ...

Oakland Raiders: The Addiction Of Loss, The Recovery Of Win

Posted: 1st November 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
Post-game Note: There was dramatic improvement. An indication that the patterns will be changed, soon. JR's ratio was consistent and far better in this game. Keep the faith, Raider Nation. Addictions can sap the life out of a man, his family and his friends. Addictions can sap life out of life. An addiction to losing can sap the energy and life out of a team of talented professional football players such ...

Oakland Raiders: Object Lesson From Your First-Grade Teacher

Posted: 31st October 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
Let's make it plain and simple. This is your object lesson for today. Look at the blackboard and take good notes: Go Raiders! Get a touchdown, Oakland Raiders. Grab the football and hold on to it. Look at the picture to get an idea of what we are teaching today. This is your object lesson for today. Now go back deep into the recesses of your mind and remember the time you first ...

Come On Oakland Raiders, Learn From My Generation of Overcomers

Posted: 28th October 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
Life is not always a bowl of cherries. Sometimes you'll have hard times; sometimes good times. I started respecting Al Davis and the Oakland Raiders more than 38 years ago. There are several reasons for this respect and support. Davis took some chances on some NFL players who other folks denied opportunity. He came under criticism then; he comes under criticism now. He seemed to defy the odds. And most times, he won. ...

Oakland Raiders: Be Steady, Sturdy, and Study

Posted: 27th October 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
I have been steady, and sturdy in my attentiveness to the details of the history of the Oakland Raiders. After aáheartbreaking 38-0 loss to the Jets last Sunday, it has become quite easy to identify the Raiders' vulnerability, and what needs to be done against future opponents. If the opponent is stronger, then perhaps we must be smarter. One thing that is smart to do is to be steady in our ...

Oakland Raiders and Raider Nation: The Ties That Bind

Posted: 27th October 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
Are there just 11 men on the NFL football field? Or, is there a team,átied together for the common purpose of winning football games? Sunday, Oct. 25, 2009 made us all wonder about whether our Oakland Raiders team has a passion for the sport, or is there some benign, hidden tumor obstructing the progress of the Oakland Raiders? I have looked at a lot of movies. Some story lines depictáplots of "fixed" ...

Oakland Raiders: You Can’t Keep a Good Man Down

Posted: 25th October 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
There is a mystery in the Raider Nation. The lesson to be learned is "You can't keep a good man down." This lesson is deep and profound. And, here I go, again, with my perceptions, connections and ongoing research. Sometimes, I believe, something is trying to tell us to wake up. I watched the game, and my heart was saddened. Then, I thought: It is just not our time, yet. Not yet! Still something ...

Culturally Diverse Raider Tailgate Cyber-Party, Oct. 25, 2009

Posted: 24th October 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
Note: One slide show has the sound of fireworks. We are a diverse nation: the Raider Nation.áSo, this week our menu is diverse. We don't know if any birds are going to play football with us this week. However, we appreciate the historical visitation on last week. Our photo for the article commemorates that unusual and fascinating experience. Enjoy! We usually have a Tailgate Party before each game. Here is our "starter" menu. Shrimp Fried ...

Oakland Raiders Need Faith, Family, Football, Forgive, Forge Forward

Posted: 24th October 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
Richard Seymour said it first: Faith, Family, Football. That's a good list. This morning I thought, "Let's use alliteration and add to the list: Faith, Family, Football, Forgive, Forge Forward." Energy needs to be released. What type? All types. At his first press conference with the Oakland Raiders, Seymour was wise enough to make his beliefs and priorities made public. That's a good thing. Others should try doing the same, because it looks like ...

Oakland Raiders: Whatever It Takes, Just Do It

Posted: 23rd October 2009 by Damali Binta Yael in NFL
"I don't need to call his name, but one thing we know, he could play the game." DBY á When we were in college, I noticed his hands. There was a mole on one of his hands. They seemed special, and I did not know why. I just could see the gift. Perhaps I saw the gift because I play the piano and people always said I had the hands for it. Well, ...